Energy Healing Crystal Flames

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Meditating with an Energy Healing Crystal Flames can bring you a stronger connection to your own inner fire, both of the heart & the sexual organs. Crystal flames can help ignite your inner flame to be motivated and conquer procrastination.

Smoky Quartz: diminishes fears, lifts depression & negativity. Smoky Quartz can bring emotional calmness, relieving stress & anxiety.

Clear Quartz: enhances mental clarity. Clear Quartz can help with emotional stability, & often used for manifestation to help create more focus & clarity around a desire.

Blue Aventurine: eases pain & chronic stiffness. Blue Aventurine calms hyperactivity, & is beneficial in overcoming insomnia, migraines & headaches, & can aid in eyesight.

Obsidian: A protective stone, as it forms a shield against negativity. This stone blocks psychic attack & absorbs negative energies from the environment while drawing out mental stress & tension.

While each crystal offers their own healing power, the flame itself connects to a deeper energy within you, both of the heart and the sexual organs. Your solar plexus chakra is associated with the natural element of fire. When balancing your solar plexus chakra the use of an Energy Healing Crystal Flame may intensify the meditation practice.

We like to use our Healing Energy Crystal Flames while balancing our chakras with our healing pendulums!

For ideas on how to use your crystals visit our social pages!






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